The Songs of Charlie Mosbrook
A musical collaborative
Becky's Ballet
Thoughts from GEN-ERIC: I
first met Charlie about 20 years ago when Coventry Courtyard was still
a grassy knoll. I am most impressed by his dedication and
devotion to his work and to his support of other artists. Through
the years, attending his open mics had become a form of refuge
particularly whenever I had a rough Monday at work. His role as
host and facilitator has made Charlie his own institution in a way and
a true pillar to the artist community in Cleveland. When
I learned of Charlie's "Coverage" project, and since I cannot sing, I
asked Charlie about some of his instrumental songs and chose to work on
"Becky's Ballet". I kept it simple and focused more on having fun
with arranging the main melody in different ways using electric bass,
steel drums, tenor saxophone, and some good ole hand clapping.
Though I have enjoyed working on this song and project, I have to admit I do not know who or where Becky is!
Thoughts from Charlie:
The song was written a few hours after seeing Michael Hedges a year
before he died. After the show I asked him to write "Keep practicing"
in my copy of his cd. He wrote "live it!". He spent 15 minutes with me
on guitar philosophy. I went home that night and started playing. The
song literally just happened. It is unlike any other I have ever
written. Becky was a good
friend in high school that later had me sing a song as a part of a
modern dance peice. No other reason for the name other than I liked the
sound of the alliteration.