Remember Who We Are


Released in late 2018, Remember Who We Are is a collection of songs focused on the social and political climate of the nation.
The title track, 2nd place in the 2018 Woody Guthrie Folk Festival celebrates the voices of under represented people standing up to injustice. Abandon Big Box Store is a haunting song about the family seperation policies at the US- Mexican border. Other songs include the trad. spiritual and civil rights anthem I Shall Not Be Moved. The battle of Topeka is a story about a fictional civil war re-enactment gone bad and Under The Bus is a tounge in cheek song about a man willing to throw the entire world under the bus for his personal gain. Sing Out is an inspriational song written 20 years ago, and Nothing But A Dream, the first song written for the record looks at our crumbling sense of right and wrong.

Remember Who We Are lyrics

Remember Who We Are
Abandonded Big Box Store
Nothing But a Dream
Battle of Topeka
Sing Out
I Shall Not Be Moved (trad.)
Under The Bus

Additional Vocals: Kate Kooser, Davidian Pearl, XELA

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